Support the ministry of TENS with your donation

TENS is supported wholly by its members. Through the purchase of memberships and through generous donations, we are able to offer our resources across the Anglican Communion. 

Each year TENS provides free teaching and training on Stewardship best practices and theology to members across the globe. More than 2000 people have attended webinars in the last three years. 

In addition, we make TENS resources available at no, or very low cost to dioceses and congregations that are fragile. Last year, our resources were downloaded more than 12,000 times across 2,700 congregations in 82 dioceses. Your gifts sustain this lifeline ministry to so many. Thank you for your generosity and for sharing your wealth, works, and wisdom with TENS.

Other ways to support

To pay by check, make checks payable to The Episcopal Network for Stewardship. Make sure you mark “donation” in the notation field, and send to:

2261 Market Street

Suite 108

San Francisco, CA 94114

TENS is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 74-2840559
Amazon Smile

Are you an Amazon shopper? If so, you can donate to TENS without doing anything more than making your purchases on Amazon smile by navigating to It’s the same Amazon selection and experience, but Amazon donates a percentage of the purchase to TENS when you select us as your charity. It is such an easy way to give and support the TENS mission.


This year I made my gift to TENS in gratitude for the way their materials and trainings have transformed my parish over the years. May God bless your work!


About us

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+381 123 456 677

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

Sunday closed