A Stewardship Reading List for Kids
These commonly available titles help young children, youth, and young adults learn about the power, pitfalls, and promises of money and generosity. Use this reading list to get sta
A Money Autobiography
Take this short inventory individually or as a part of a stewardship formation exercise to learn more about your habits regarding generosity and gratitude.
Six Best Practices for Stewardship
As much a practical document on Stewardship best practices, this is also a checklist of formation and spiritual practices that develop our generosity and gratitude.
How Do We Give Thanks in the Midst of Loss
When we are faced with sad times, loss, or transition, how do we keep our gratitude?
What is Stewardship? A meditation
Stewardship is everything I do after I say “I believe …”
Three Stewardship Notions
Practical advice from a stewardship leader about how to avoid the anxiety often associated with stewardship campaigns.