Teaching about, preaching on, and engaging conversation about money and meaning in church is a difficult concept. We bring so much of ourselves into conversations about money that it can quickly overwhelm us, or feel more complicated than it might be.
Stewardship is not just the pledge campaign – it is how we approach our relationship with each other and all of God’s gifts to us all year round. Whatever the resources we have been given is what we must work with to accomplish the mission of the church – these include our time, our talent, and our treasure, and they work together to grow the Reign of God.
These resources will help your congregation to deepen their understanding of stewardship theologically, culturally, and socially so that you may truly grow generous givers in your congregation.
By engaging each other in healthy dialogue about money, resources, and the theology of generosity, we can begin to deepen our faith as stewards of the many resources given to us by God.

A Money Autobiography
Take this short inventory individually or as a part of a stewardship formation exercise to learn more about your habits regarding generosity and gratitude.

A Stewardship Reading List for Kids
These commonly available titles help young children, youth, and young adults learn about the power, pitfalls, and promises of money and generosity. Use this reading

Annual Spiritual Check-up
“Your view of money is the chief spiritual issue of your life,” says Bruce Rockwell, former Assistant to the Bishop for Stewardship, Diocese of Western

Bibliography for Stewardship
Whether you are looking for books for a book study in your stewardship team or your adult education, or simply engaging the spiritual topic of

Created in the Image of God
When we truly believe we bear God’s image, how do we think of ourselves? Of others? Of our relationships?

Examen for Stewardship Storytelling
Learn how Ignatian Spirituality can be used to reflect on our gratitude and generosity and inspire others through storytelling.

How Do We Give Thanks in the Midst of Loss
When we are faced with sad times, loss, or transition, how do we keep our gratitude?

Intentional Hospitality
The link between hospitality and stewardship is clear. How do you put these principles into practice?

Show and Tell
Learning how to tell our personal stories about money and meaning is difficult and humble work.

Six Best Practices for Stewardship
As much a practical document on Stewardship best practices, this is also a checklist of formation and spiritual practices that develop our generosity and gratitude.

Stewardship Bible Study
Use a modified Lectio Divina process, African Bible Study, or your own preferred method to study these passages from our traditions.

Stewardship in a Time of Transition
Transitions are particularly fragile times in the life of a congregation. Learning some basic tools for how to engage the ministry of abundance in a

Stewardship Team Vision Statements
Whether you have a standing stewardship team or one that forms just around the annual campaign, a vision statement can help guide and shape your

Three Stewardship Notions
Practical advice from a stewardship leader about how to avoid the anxiety often associated with stewardship campaigns.

What is Stewardship? A meditation
Stewardship is everything I do after I say “I believe …”

Why Clergy Should Know what their People Pledge
Pastoral Conversations are an expected part of the role of our clergy. Trusting them to hold in confidence and with good boundaries our financial information

A Money Autobiography
Take this short inventory individually or as a part of a stewardship formation exercise to learn more about your habits regarding generosity and gratitude.

A Stewardship Reading List for Kids
These commonly available titles help young children, youth, and young adults learn about the power, pitfalls, and promises of money and generosity. Use this reading

Annual Spiritual Check-up
“Your view of money is the chief spiritual issue of your life,” says Bruce Rockwell, former Assistant to the Bishop for Stewardship, Diocese of Western

Bibliography for Stewardship
Whether you are looking for books for a book study in your stewardship team or your adult education, or simply engaging the spiritual topic of

Created in the Image of God
When we truly believe we bear God’s image, how do we think of ourselves? Of others? Of our relationships?

Examen for Stewardship Storytelling
Learn how Ignatian Spirituality can be used to reflect on our gratitude and generosity and inspire others through storytelling.

How Do We Give Thanks in the Midst of Loss
When we are faced with sad times, loss, or transition, how do we keep our gratitude?

Intentional Hospitality
The link between hospitality and stewardship is clear. How do you put these principles into practice?

Show and Tell
Learning how to tell our personal stories about money and meaning is difficult and humble work.

Six Best Practices for Stewardship
As much a practical document on Stewardship best practices, this is also a checklist of formation and spiritual practices that develop our generosity and gratitude.

Stewardship Bible Study
Use a modified Lectio Divina process, African Bible Study, or your own preferred method to study these passages from our traditions.

Stewardship in a Time of Transition
Transitions are particularly fragile times in the life of a congregation. Learning some basic tools for how to engage the ministry of abundance in a

Stewardship Team Vision Statements
Whether you have a standing stewardship team or one that forms just around the annual campaign, a vision statement can help guide and shape your

Three Stewardship Notions
Practical advice from a stewardship leader about how to avoid the anxiety often associated with stewardship campaigns.

What is Stewardship? A meditation
Stewardship is everything I do after I say “I believe …”

Why Clergy Should Know what their People Pledge
Pastoral Conversations are an expected part of the role of our clergy. Trusting them to hold in confidence and with good boundaries our financial information

A Money Autobiography
Take this short inventory individually or as a part of a stewardship formation exercise to learn more about your habits regarding generosity and gratitude.

A Stewardship Reading List for Kids
These commonly available titles help young children, youth, and young adults learn about the power, pitfalls, and promises of money and generosity. Use this reading

Annual Spiritual Check-up
“Your view of money is the chief spiritual issue of your life,” says Bruce Rockwell, former Assistant to the Bishop for Stewardship, Diocese of Western

Bibliography for Stewardship
Whether you are looking for books for a book study in your stewardship team or your adult education, or simply engaging the spiritual topic of

Created in the Image of God
When we truly believe we bear God’s image, how do we think of ourselves? Of others? Of our relationships?

Examen for Stewardship Storytelling
Learn how Ignatian Spirituality can be used to reflect on our gratitude and generosity and inspire others through storytelling.

How Do We Give Thanks in the Midst of Loss
When we are faced with sad times, loss, or transition, how do we keep our gratitude?

Intentional Hospitality
The link between hospitality and stewardship is clear. How do you put these principles into practice?

Show and Tell
Learning how to tell our personal stories about money and meaning is difficult and humble work.

Six Best Practices for Stewardship
As much a practical document on Stewardship best practices, this is also a checklist of formation and spiritual practices that develop our generosity and gratitude.

Stewardship Bible Study
Use a modified Lectio Divina process, African Bible Study, or your own preferred method to study these passages from our traditions.

Stewardship in a Time of Transition
Transitions are particularly fragile times in the life of a congregation. Learning some basic tools for how to engage the ministry of abundance in a

Stewardship Team Vision Statements
Whether you have a standing stewardship team or one that forms just around the annual campaign, a vision statement can help guide and shape your

Three Stewardship Notions
Practical advice from a stewardship leader about how to avoid the anxiety often associated with stewardship campaigns.

What is Stewardship? A meditation
Stewardship is everything I do after I say “I believe …”

Why Clergy Should Know what their People Pledge
Pastoral Conversations are an expected part of the role of our clergy. Trusting them to hold in confidence and with good boundaries our financial information