Ten Minute Dialogues on Stewardship Themes
One of the ways that Anglicans learn is through dialogue – whether we engage in it or observe it, we learn much from exploring concepts and sharing stories with each other. TENS Topics are ten-minute videos of stewardship leaders talking about specific themes or ideas in Stewardship. Watch them for inspiration or use them in your formation or stewardship committee trainings to inspire and generate conversation.
The Role of Youth and Young People in Stewardship
What’s at stake for young people in church budgets? Why should they care? How do we form our young people in the ideas and values
The Relationship between Hospitality and Stewardship
How does our understanding of abundance and scarcity impact our ability to be hospitable? What traits to generosity and hospitality share? What makes you feel
Storytelling and Stewardship
How do we tell the story of our money and meaning? What impact to our personal stories have in pledge campaigns? What is the role
What is Stewardship? A Conversation
Join in a conversation between three members of TENS as they discuss the theology, praxis, and spiritual facets of our relationship to God, Community, and