Every community conducts its fundraising differently. TENS has collected resources, wisdom, and tools from around the Anglican Communion to share. We are always looking to expand this section.
Every Stewardship Leader wants to create the best tools for successful pledge campaigns. These tools will help you craft the best letters, create strategies that succeed, and plan for your pledge campaigns. If you have tools that have worked well in your church, and you would like to share them, please email davey@tens.org
Every Stewardship Leader wants to create the best tools for successful pledge campaigns.

Comparison of Stewardship Programs and Fundraising Platforms: 2024
The other half of inviting members to pledge is to make sure we thank them for doing so.

Connecting Stewardship with Thanks
The other half of inviting members to pledge is to make sure we thank them for doing so.

Creating a Congregation Narrative Budget
Have you wanted to present a narrative budget to your congregation but didn’t know where to start? Follow this step-by-step process to turn your line-item

Evaluating Campaign Performance: A Toolkit
Before you put your campaign results on the shelf, take a few moments with your Stewardship Committee and Vestry to understand how your campaign performed,

Forming the Campaign Team: A Clergy Guide
What is the job description of a pledge campaign member? Learn how to identify and recruit great stewardship leaders from your congregation.

Ministry Focused Budget
How do you create a budget that tells the missional story behind your money? This easy guide can help you create budgets that will inspire.

Online Donation Form Best Practices
Adopt these quick tips and tricks to make your online giving pages effective in church fundraising campaigns.

Pledge Campaign Letters: Best Practices
A communications expert gives pointers for what makes a compelling pledge invitation.

Post Campaign Evaluation
Before you put the campaign on the shelf and rest easy, there’s one more task to accomplish. Taking the time to evaluate the performance of

Principles for Effective Responses: Planning Your Pledge Program
These detailed pointers will help you create campaigns that achieve great results!

Sample Gift Acceptance Policy
Having a policy on what criteria to use when accepting a gift and how to deal with restrictions can avoid problems in the future. You

Stewardship Committee Job Descriptions
Every role on your Generosity Team has a purpose and a description. Committee members are more effective if they are informed of the tasks and

Year-Round Stewardship Planning Tools
Use this guide and the accompanying spreadsheet to plan out a year of liturgy, ministry, formation, and activities that support your congregation’s mission and cultivate