What will your legacy be?
Naming The Episcopal Network for Stewardship as a beneficiary in your will or estate plans is a way to continue your support and commitment to developing leaders for nurturing generosity and a faithful response to the Gospel beyond your lifetime. It also qualifies you for membership in the TENS Legacy Society, a society of TENS’ special friends who have established planned gifts with us to help sustain this important ministry.
Please accept our invitation to help ensure the future of developing leaders for nurturing generosity in the Episcopal Church by becoming a part of the TENS Legacy Society today.
Planned Gifts to Benefit TENS
Did you know that you could give a gift to TENS that costs you nothing during your lifetime?
General Use of Bequest to TENS
“I give, devise and bequeath to The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), with offices in San Francisco, California, (__% of my estate, or a specific sum of money, or description of property, or “the rest residue and remainder of my estate”) to be used for its general tax-exempt purposes and without other restrictions as to use.
General Use of Bequest to TENS for Endowment
“I give, devise and bequeath to The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), with offices in San Francisco, California, ( ___% of my estate, or a specific sum of money, or description of property, or “the rest residue and remainder of my estate”) to (add to/create) a permanent endowment of which the CPI-adjusted principal is kept intact and only the income and/or appreciation expended.
Make TENS the Beneficiary of your Retirement Plans
You may name The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) as beneficiary of your retirement plan. There is a tax advantage to doing this as the church does not pay tax on this distribution, while your family would pay tax on this income because it went into the retirement plan tax free. Simply request a new beneficiary form.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Life insurance is another way to make a gift to TENS. You can purchase a new policy and make TENS the owner and beneficiary; the premiums can be made as contributions to TENS and become tax-deductible. You may also make TENS the owner and beneficiary of an existing policy or a partial beneficiary of the proceeds of an existing policy. Perhaps you have a life insurance policy that your family no longer needs as a part of your estate? This can be done by simply completing a new beneficiary form.
Did you know that you could make a gift to TENS and receive an income that you cannot outlive?
Life Income Gifts
Life Income Gifts provide you and your designated beneficiary an income for life in exchange for your gift. They can be established in several ways, the most common of which includes a Charitable Gift Annuity, a Charitable Remainder Trust, or participation in a Pooled Income Fund. All of these options are available through the Episcopal Church Foundation and other institutions and donor advised funds as well. https://www.episcopalfoundation.org/programs/planned-giving.
Contact us for more information
For more information, call Davey Gerhard, Executive Director at (415) 294-0519, or send an email to davey@tens.org