Why Clergy Should Know what their People Pledge
Pastoral Conversations are an expected part of the role of our clergy. Trusting them to hold in confidence and with good boundaries our financial information can be an important pa
Stewardship in a Time of Transition
Transitions are particularly fragile times in the life of a congregation. Learning some basic tools for how to engage the ministry of abundance in a time of leadership transition c
Stewardship Bible Study
Use a modified Lectio Divina process, African Bible Study, or your own preferred method to study these passages from our traditions.
Bibliography for Stewardship
Whether you are looking for books for a book study in your stewardship team or your adult education, or simply engaging the spiritual topic of generosity, these books are a great s
Examen for Stewardship Storytelling
Learn how Ignatian Spirituality can be used to reflect on our gratitude and generosity and inspire others through storytelling.
A Stewardship Reading List for Kids
These commonly available titles help young children, youth, and young adults learn about the power, pitfalls, and promises of money and generosity. Use this reading list to get sta