A Timeless Mission for a Faithfully Generous Church: Sharing our Hallelujahs!
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Janet Long
A Scriptural Stewardship Call and Response
Join in the refrain: “Lord, help me to do all that you ask, in the way that you ask, for as long as you ask, simply because you have asked it of me.”
Epiphany: A Feast of Stewardship
When we give our most valuable gifts, we never know how they will be received.
A Stewardship Litany
Stewardship is a journey of faith and response. This tool is a powerful one to shape a congregation’s focus on generosity. You may also download in MS Word | Tambien en MS Word
Being in Jeopardy
Walter Bruggeman explores the readings of First Advent, Year C and the relationship between fear and hope.